Bakki shower filter for sale

FOR SALE IS A BRAND NEW BAKKI SHOWER. CONSTRUCTED FROM FOOD GRADE STAINLESS STEEL. WE AT KOITEC HAVE THESE CONSTRUCTED . Bakki Shower Pond Filtration, Absolute Koi , Koi Supplies – Koi dealer – Koi Ponds – Koi Pond Supplies. Our Momotaro Bakki Shower are the only ones that use the Bacteria House filter media, which incidentally, is where the . Our Momotaro Bakki Shower are the only ones that use the Bacteria House filter media, which incidentally, is where the secret lies! Out Momotaro Bakki Showers are the only ones that use the ‘Bacteria House’ filter media, which incidentally, is where the secret lies!

I am thinking that it will work more as a trickle tower than a bakki shower, showers are designed to take a lot of flow over them so that the . A bakki Shower is the most inefficient type of pond filtration there is, the. This means it’s the most expensive to buy and the most expensive to run. Simply put the bacteria on the media cannot do their job if they are not in . Amazing Crystal Bio Shower Media for filters. Use Crystal Bio in your existing or new Bakki Shower Filter or add it in with your Bacteria House media.

I would like to here from those who have had or are using Bakki Shower filters with the Bakki House media.