Bubble magus q3

I’ve just got my new bubble magus protein skimmer setup and running ,theres no write ups about how to. Bubble Magus QSkimmer is new design for External skimmer which . The Bubble Magus Qis designed strictly for protein skimming tanks up to 3litres in volume.

The protein skimmer helps to maintain a healthy marine system – the simple most important factor when establishing a beautiful marine aquarium. Actively removes waste: The Bubble Magus. Wanted to get the Ebut it was out of stock island.

Bubble Magus QSkimmers new design is ideal for small tank use.

The square bottom design makes easy adjustable for a small tank. Find great deals for Bubble Magus QProtein Skimmer. Hi try googling reefshops or if you bubble magus qthere are several sites that stock it, fishstreet is another one 🙂 very quiet and easy . Hi all I’m just setting up my first reef tank.

I’ve got my water etc in but got a qskimmer. Now the skimmer came with no instructions at all.