Cat deterrent water spray

It is a safe and effective repellent that will keep most animals, including cats and squirrels, out of your garden, automatically giving them a short spray of water . I then found the PestBye jet sprayer which was made for the UK.

The other problem with it was that the jet spray repeller is not well made. If you do get a Jet Spray Repeller be sure to keep it away from any. If that spot is on a hard surface, clean it with soapy water to try to diffuse the smell as. Most cat repellent sprays contain aluminum sulphate, which is generally .

Water Jet Spray Repeller Garden Pest Dog Cat Bird Fox Rabbit Deterrent Scarer. Havahart 52Spray Away Motion Activated Sprinkler Animal Repellent 2. Soun motion, and a sudden squirt of water scare cats away easily. It would great if there was one cat repellent or repeller, that works against all. Cats hate water, so this sprinkler acts a great deterrent that quickly tells them your garden is off-limits.

Will spray other animals and humans.