Davey wavey real name

Learn about Davey Wavey: his birthday, what he did before fame, his family life, fun trivia facts,. He was born and raised in a small Rhode Island town. May 20- In the early 2000s, Davey Wavey was just Davi a freshman at Catholic Seton Hall in New Jersey.

He was majoring in business and working . Davey Wavey is a personality with nearly 3million video views in more than 1countries around the world. Dec 20- Daveywavey has recently officially confirmed that he is dating 19-year-old college student Jake Arman. He reveals that they have been together .

His first name is apparently Jonathan. But his true identity hasnot been promulgated. Dec 20- Star Davey Wavey Unloads West Hollywood Condo. Dec 20- Variety reports that Wavey (whose real first name is Jonathan) owns a one-bedroom loft-style condominium in downtown Woonsocket, just . Sep 20- People always make fun of my voice, so I decided to make this talky blog about how fellow blog buddies can deal with name calling, teasing .

Z_vi1VM2e_k These are my random facts. An intro video for old and new blog buddies alike! Snail mail me: Break the Illusion, Inc.

Davey Wavey is a gay guru and storyteller who entertains audiences with humor,. Davey uses his platform to tackle important iss. Davey Wavey This is by ‘Davey Wavey’ Himself : ‘Hi. PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW THE REAL DAVEY WAVEY. Gay guru and virtual storyteller by day.

Davey Wavey (full name : Davey Wavey) is a years old Star. Davey Wavey was born in Rhode Island. Davey Wavey’s birthday is July 1984.

Sep 20- Davey Wavey (not his real name, I’m sure) was in town and decided to take Matt up on the offer of some impromptu diving instruction. Aug 20- Davey Wavey Biography Birthday Weight Height Age Facts,Date of. Real Name:- Jonathan; Profession :– Star; Born :– Rhode .