Female hose mender

This video is about Zinc Pro Mender. How to Repair a Hose with a Hose Mender. Female Hose Mender 2794 mender is designed to replace the faucet end of your hose should it become damaged from The Home .

This female mender is designed to replace the faucet end of a standard garden hose. Heavy-duty metal construction protects against corrosion and extends . It is used to replace the female end or faucet end of a standard garden . Really nice looking well made manly hose repair fitting.

I like the design much more than the others that clamp on. I thought with with a vise and lubricant I could . With its heavy-duty brass construction this hose repair fitting is made to replace the female-end of . Jul 20- We’ve all done it, whether the hose got caught under the lawn mower or if the ends got frayed. Garden hose can get slits and holes in them.