Home depot anode rod

Shop our selection of Anode Ro Water Heater Parts in the Plumbing Department at The Home Depot. Anode rods are the most important line of defense in preventing corrosion and leaks in your water heater. These devices work because the metal in the rod is .

Shop our selection of Anode Ro in the Department at The Home Depot. Every water heater has an anode rod. Water corrodes the inside of steel tank water heaters.

The anode rod sacrifices itself to protect the tank.

The tank in the video is over years old and the original anode rod was surprisingly intact! If your odor problem involves a vacation cabin or second home, then installing even a powered anode may not . In most every water heater is a sacrificial anode that protects the small. I also saw that Home Depot carries the aluminum rod for around $2 . Mar 20- Anode rods cause hot water odor. I got some spray sealant at Home Depot and sprayed along his caulking and where the gutter hangers are.

Home Depot has this anode rod on clearance. The description is completely wrong. Nov 20- The softener people said it was the anode rod in the heater.