How to install a shower faucet and head

To view the next video in this series, please click here: . With basic plumbing tools and skills, anyone. The variety of shower faucets alone is seemingly unlimited. How To Install A New Shower Faucet.

Wondering how to replace a shower valve when valve access is bad or nonexistent, when the old pipes are galvanized steel, and when you want to go from a . Nick Marine with Marine Plumbing Service teaches us how to replace an old shower faucet. This video will focus on how to replace the shower hea arm, and .

Nick Marine with Marine Plumbing Service teaches us how to replace an old. Shower Faucet Replacement – Removing the Old Shower Head and Trim. The handle and shower head comprise only a part of a shower faucet; the actual valve mechanism is behind the wall.

Consequently, the best time to install a . It is the knob that controls whether water comes out of the faucet for the tub or the shower head. You may be looking to replace the valve because it is leaky or .