How to make a bakki shower filter

Re: Build your own Bakki shower filter. Postby Merseykoi August 10th, 200 7:am. Nice idea – is it made from good plastic?

I believe not all plastic is fish . Rieselfilter Eigenbau mit Crystal Bio ,Trickle Filter ,Pond Filter. Rieselfilter Eigenbau mit Crystal Bio ,Trickle Filter ,Pond Filter ,Bakki Shower Crystal Bio. My home made shower filter for koi pond.

Mar 20- The bakki shower is a popular filter with koi breeders and collectors and is making is way into the hobby. When I put the surface skimmer on it gets rid of the floating bubbles but a few hours later they are back if I turn off the skimmer. Our Momotaro Bakki Shower are the only ones that use the Bacteria House filter.

Bakki Shower are integrated with the mesh, making them . Aug 20- However, can someone actually tell me how a bakki shower works, and how do I. Whatever the case, adding a bakki to a chamber filter system is . The Bakki Shower filter was developed by the Momotaro Japanese Koi farm. The design of these units also make them very suitable for biological filtration.