
Apr 20- The Iko Toilet is a great idea that has changed the lives of many people around Narobi, Kenya. It all started with one man, David Kuria, and his . Aug 20- This is David Kuria, a social entrepreneur based in Nairobi, Kenya.

He is telling On the Up the story of Ikotoilet. Under the Ikotoilet project, Ecotact builds and operates high-quality, public pay-per-use toilet and shower facilities. Customers pay five shillings ($USD) to . Nov 20- Iko toilet, a product of Ecotact Limite has become synonymous with sanity in our city’s sanitation systems.

If you are a frequent flier within the . For the best mobile toilets in Kenya. David Kuria and IkoToilets – Duration: 10:18. He engages urban communities in the design and construction of his “Iko toilet” (coined from the word “eco” meaning environmentally friendly).

Mar 20- “Ikotoilet” – sustainable sanitation in the South. The award-winning Ikotoilet project in Nairobi improves multiple areas: sanitation, health, water, . May 20- At Iko-Toilet centers, customers can do their business, have a drink, and maybe even get a haircut, all in one place.