Motorcycle straight pipe

Aug 20- So this might be a dumb question, but is going straight pipe on a motorcycle bad? My buddy didnt want to spend 4bucks on a slip on, so he cut, left about two feet of pipe running under the rear brake peg. Depends on the bike, but you can lose back-pressure and force your bike to.

Cutting Your Motorcycle Exhaust To A Strait Pipe Is A Retarded Idea! This video was uploaded from an Android phone. Harleys run straight pipes and other v-twins run straight pipes and it.

Oct 20- My question is: if I leave the muffler off and just run the straight pipe, is the lack of back-pressure bad for my engine? Buy Straight Pipes at Motorcycle Superstore, your one stop shop for motorcycle gear, parts and accessories. Straight pipes is really a shortened version of the term straight through pipes. Which itself means the exhaust is simply a piece of tubing, with . Not that I am running straight pipes on my bike, but I want to do something until I get rid of my current cans and buy the new system I’m saving .