Peerless bathroom faucet repair

Stop that steady drip, drip, drip before it becomes a stream. Repairing that dripping, leaking faucet will halt.

We’ll take the mystery out of cartridge-type faucets and show you how to fix. We spent $for a set of seats and springs that fit both Delta and Peerless faucets. P208 Cartridge for 2-Handle Lavatory Kitchen Faucets, $7.

P1349 Repair Kit for Round Shaft Ball Assembly, $9.

Mar 20- Fix a leaking bathroom faucet using our step by step guide. The faucet in this article is made by Peerless, but it took some searching to figureĀ . Aug 20- More specifically, how to fix your Delta bathroom faucet. A leaking and dripping faucet could be a sign for bad seats and springs, so watch andĀ . Mar 20- Learn how to repair a single lever ball faucet such as those made by Peerless or Delta and which is commonly found in the kitchen and bath.

I have a leaking Peerless single handle tub faucet.