Residential sprinkler heads

Viking’s Residential Quick Reference Guide highlights the entire Freedom line of residential sprinklers. Residential cover plates are available in nine standard . RAPID RESPONSE Series LFII Residential Sprinklers Pendent Wet Pipe and Dry Pipe Systems, K-factor=4.

Fire system sprinkler heads for use in residential properties. With the incorporation of the latest fast-response sprinkler heads there is clear. In the case of social housing, residential care premises, homes in multiple . Style: Pendent, Recessed Pendent, Conical Concealed (CCP) Pendent, Horizontal Sidewall (HSW), Recessed Horizontal Sidewall (HSW), Sidewall Concealed .

Home Fire Sprinkler Heads Accessories K4. The Model RD2Residential Flat Concealed Sprinklers are automatic . Residential fire sprinkler heads for use in homes and appartments, sales to construction contractors and private sales by Swift Fire Protection, Inc. A company specialising in residential sprinkler systems for houses and flats.

Includes information on the sprinkler systems and how they work and likely costs . NFPA residential sprinkler requirements and applications.