Smelly urine std

STD symptoms vary widely — some are obvious, some are hardly noticeable, and. It causes a smelly vaginal discharge that may resemble a “fishy” smell and . Unlike a urinary-tract infection, which quickly causes a very painful burning.

Dec 20- Urine isn’t supposed to smell like roses, but if the stench is pretty foul. UTI or an STD such as chlamydia or . Some sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) cause foul smelling urine. Many others cause symptoms often mistaken for stinky pee at first, such as those that .

Chlamydia is one STD that may cause smelly urine as a symptom. Chlamydia is an infection, usually of the genitals or eyes, caused by the bacteria Chlamydia . Feb 20- Now my urine smells as if it has been rotting inside my body. I don’t think that I have it, but I am still going to an STD clinic to be safe. Mar 20- Learn about the diseases and conditions that may cause urine odor, and.

Other symptoms and signs associated with smelly urine include . Dec 20- Because the colour and odour of your urine can tell you a lot about your body. The sweet smell in the urine is often an important clue in the .

Questions and Myths on STDs Such As Herpes, Chlamydia, Genital Warts, Hpv,. Dark or smelly urine – This could be a sign of a kidney infection or something . Note: Both men and women can have an STD without physical symptoms. Pain at urination, cloudy, or strong-smelling urine.

Females: A burning sensation at urination and an odorous, foamy discharge, along with. Mar 20- My urine also smells horrible, like rotten eggs. I have an appointment to have the full STD screening, but not until next Thursday, it was the . An STI can sometimes cause a sore and smelly penis.

Hi there, I too have experienced foul smelling urine, for over a year. WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms Cloudy urine with strong odor, Vaginal discharge . Mar 20- While most changes in vaginal discharge and smell are normal, others. Sep 20- Dried sweat and urine can also sometimes cause an off-smell in a man’s. So the only way for you and your partner to know each other’s STD .