
Just soak it hay soaker

August 4, 2015

The Soaker is an easy and effective way to do just this. A traditional way of reducing dust in hay involves soaking it, and this is . The necessity for soaking hay is becoming ever more increasingly common with modern day horse keeping.

Jun 20- It is a time portable, self-contained unit that only requires a pressurized water. The Soaker can provide freshly soaked hay at feeding time. Find local second hand hay soaker in horse tack and clothing in the UK and Ireland.

In excellent condition and only for sale due to the sad loss of my horse.

Expensive but if I need to soak hay again I would opt for a Haycube. Paxton hay soaker allows you to soak away excess sugars and dust mites before draining the hay within the product without getting wet or straining your back. You can even use it as a hay soaker saving you the usual mess and hassle. When the water has soaked for your desired amount of time, remove the cap and let the.

The Hay Soaker is an all-in-one solution to hay soaking. With its patented drainage tray and tap, it makes soaking hay an easy task. Nov 20- VOILA one hay soaker with handle and tap.

Have only just started to soak CWs hay due to coughing and it’s flipping miserable, especially as . Your first line of defense for treating ulcers in horses, laminitis, respiratory issues, colic, allergies, and more.

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