If you think that you have strong-smelling urine and doctors aren’t sure if you have. Some even think the smell, in part, resembles the scent of new-cut hay. Feb 20- Normally I don’t have any smell and I’m so self conscious and embarressed. Seriously, it smells like wet pee on hay like at an animal farm.
When you say drink, do you mean alcohol? You may have a bladder or kidney infection as odor and cloudy urine are usual symptoms. Mar 20- The odors from urine are more likely to be related to foods that you eat and not any.
I do not associate any kidney disease with the odor of hay. Dec 20- Urine isn’t supposed to smell like roses, but if the stench is pretty foul (think: rotten fruit or the bottom of a pond), it’s your bladder’s alarming way . May 20- I have experienced sweet smelling urine (almost like clover or hay) with cloudiness and it was a sign of a mild yeast infection for me. Oct 20- Healthy urine should be clear and straw-coloure and shouldn’t be particularly smelly. Some people find that their urine smells stronger and is darker first. Its not urine and it doesnt have my normal dishcarge smell either.
Im confused as it smells like straw?