Fragranite contains around granite particles which give it its enormous strength. Being one of the strongest materials on the market, Tectonite makes sinks . Franke Fragranite Sinks are extremely durable and non-porous making them long-lasting and very hygienic.
Cleaning and caring for Tectonite Sinks . Following extensive testing and development, new Fragranite tackles the humble cleaning problem associated with composite sinks. Following extensive testing and development, new Fragranite tackles the humble. Franke sink made from their tectonite composite material?
Abey schock Cristadur (Nanogranite) and Franke Fragranite and Tectonite.
Jan 20- Hi there, I’m new to these forums and want to know if anyone has a Schock-Houzer Granite Sink (either the Cristadur or Cristalite+). I was told that the Houzer granite sink is pretty new in the US with only about a month history. The feel of the Houzer granite sink felt smoother.
Sep 20- A mea e asta, din tectonite. Rezista la 3grade celsius, dar la lovituri e mai putin rezistenta decat fragranite-ul ( care e si mai scump) Cum se . Read More