We purchased this Memoirs Toilet from Keller Supply in Auburn, WA. They didn’t tell us about any problems with these toilets. Lowe’s replaced the toilets with American Standard after the plumber warned me Kohler have a lot of problems.
Along with getting store compensation from . This is one of these low flush toilet’s anyways if you happen to hold the handle down until the bowl is empty it takes near . Has anyone had a similiar problem with the class five flushing system? Kohler toilet flushing problem on San Raphael one-piecepostsJan 2014Kohler canister flush valve drops too quicklypostsJan 2012Kohler Persuade Review, pictures and commentspostsFeb 2008Kohler Cimarron toilet review, Owner comments and.
Jan 2006More from terrylove. Need a replacement part but don’t know which product you have? Our Product Wizard can get you there in . Kohler toilets are known as reliable and durable products. Read More