ANSI 60 90 15flange thickness does not include raised face. BS EN 10are given in millimetres only. Dimensions for flanges from 15mm to 600mm.
Includes Table C, E, F, H, J, ANSI 15 30 60 90 150 PN 1 1 40. In Australia the BS and AS flange standards are essentially the same but have been metricated. Consequently metric sizes are stated as ‘DN’ . Nominal Pipe Size, # Bolts or Studs, Dia of Bolts or Studs, Length of Stu # Bolts or Studs, Dia of Bolts or . Weld neck, Threade Slip-on, Lap joint, . PAR can manufacture flange gaskets to any standard table size using in house CNC gasket cutting technology. Gaskets can be cut from various sheet materials . Raised Faced – Also Mate with ANSI B16. The following is chart data for ANSI B16.
Many women benefit from a size other than the standard mm breastshield. It is almost impossible to tell which size breastshield is the best fit without watching .