Mucon Iris Diaphragm Valves are renowned and use world wide due to their excellent flow control characteristics and superb versatility. The series K2P powered iris valves have been engineered specifically for automatic and remote applications , complimenting the popular manual versions. Mucon Iris Diaphragm Valve (IDV) utilizes a concentrically closing fabric or rubber diaphragm to accurately control the flow of powders and granular material.
Iris diaphragm control valve Please click on the product picture for starting the video! Energy saving valve for the precise and economical control at low loss of . The compact, inexpensive iris valve can gently con- trol the gravity-flow discharge of many free-flowing materials in dry bulk solids handling applications. Here you can see our range of iris valves, and download data sheets about them.
Aluminum Alloy or Stainless Steel Construction . Syntron Iris Flow Valves the Industry leader. Our engineering provides reliable and adjustable control of .
SUITABLE FOR POWDER OR GRANULES; ALUMINIUM OR STAINLESS STEEL . Britton’s highly specialised selection of iris valves are ideal for the handling of dry bulk solids. Iris valves work in much the same way as the iris of a camera and . Series K Iris Valves have been specifically designed for applications demanding the highest level of hygiene. The Series K Iris Valve is aimed specifically at the . We are an exclusive supplier of the bulk materials handling valves of Vortex, including its Iris Valve.
Learn the numerous pneumatic conveying advantages and . The patented Vortex Iris Valve is designed specifically to handle dry bulk solids in gravity discharge of free-flowing material from bins, bulk bags, chutes, and . In automated systems where controlled discharge of powders and bulk solids is required with a high degree of cleanliness, power . The Vortex Iris Valve offers a reliable valve to control the gravity discharge of free-flowing dry bulk . Mar 20- The iris valve and untie box are two important features on our bulk bag systems to make operation and maintenance on our equipment as . Jan 20- Iris Valve is a control mechanism used to close an circular opening. It operates by a series of leaves or vanes which rotate in from the outer .