ISCO 42Bubbler Flow Meter (DISCONTINUED). The 42Bubbler Flow Meter uses a bubble line submerged in the flow channel through which an internal air compressor forces a metered amount of air. Automatic drift compensation makes the Isco bubbler flow meter range the most accurate.
Sampler Pacing Output: 12V pulseFlumes: Parshall, Palmer-Bowlus, Leopold-La. Sampler Input: Event mark, bottle numberSize (H x W x D): 17. Mar 19- Teledyne Isco recommends that you read this manual completely.
The 42flow meter will become inaccurate displaying the depth, flow, and.
Teledyne Isco recommends setting the bubble rate in the shop first, as this is easier with a small container of clear water . Teledyne Isco 42Bubbler Flow Meter. Cipolletti weirs, Isco Flow Metering Inserts, and Parshall, Palmer-Bowlus, Leopold-Lagco, trapezoidal, H, HS, and HL . Software senses rapidly rising heads and increases the bubble rate to maintain maximum accuracy. TELEDYNE ISCO 42BUBBLE FLOW METER. Overview Bubbler level sensing provides the most accurate measurement. Isco 42Bubbler Flow Meters use an internal air compressor to force a metered . Jun 20- The ISCO Bubbler Flow Meter is a hearty instrument but requires regular maintenance in order to achieve proper flow measurement.
Find great deals for Isco 42Bubbler Flow Meter Recorder.