Kiene valves

Kiene Diesel manufactures indicator valves and cylinder pressure indicators for diesel engines and gas compressors. We also manufacture service equipment . Full Opening Compressor Indicator Valves.

Mid-Continent Manufacturing is a distributor of Kiene Diesel Accessories products. Including Indicator Valves, Adapters, Gaskets and Valve Accessories. The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the . We,Canada Kiene indicator valves Suppliers and Canada Kiene indicator valves Manufacturers, provide Kiene indicator valves product and the products related . We manufacture a wide range of indicator valves (Kiene Valves Test Valves Test Cocks) covering most large engines and compressors. A-LINE AND V-LINE INDICATOR VALVES. For measuring engine firing pressure.

Suitable for all cylinder pressure . Kiene valve or similar isolation device. Users would manually open the valve, exposing the transducer to in-cylinder con-.