Lorentz solar operated submersible pumps are designed for high reliability and life expectancy. The Lorentz solar operated surface and pool pumps are designed for high reliability and life. PS6CS-17-Solar Pool Pump System Lorentz of Germany offer a range of high volume swimming pool pumps, all designed to be highly efficient and thus can be powered from the smallest.
LORENTZ PS Swimming Pool Pumps are high quality products designed for use in residential and commercial swimming pools and spas. Lorentz PS6controller, 48Vdc, 150Voc, 700W. Dealers, sign in to see your price and buy.
PS Lorentz Centrifugal solar pumps are high quality products designed to supply applications High.
PS6LORENTZ CS-17-The pump is a centrifugal pump solar surface, ideal for swimming pools and ponds. Category: Solar Powered Pumps, Fro1349. Lorentz PS6CS-17-1-D Solar Powered Pump Zoom.
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Controller: PS600.