New team spirit rail slider

Sometimes either during the manufacturing process or during transit, the spring inside the slider may move out of position preventing it from fitting on to the rail . This question is regarding NewTeam Spirit Rail Slider Bracket (Chrome) – SP-280-0590-C. My slider is broken and I can’t find a number on it, however the rail is .

I can’t find a New Team Slider (# ABS-280-0001) to replace our . NewTeam Spirit Rail Slider – Chrome SP-280-0590-C: Amazon. Chrome Shower Head Holder Slider Bracket To Fit 22mm Riser Rail.

NewTeam Spirit Rail Slider – White SP-280-0590-WT: Amazon. NewTeam Rail And Slider – Chrome SP-280-0100-CP: – This is a spare part for the. NewTeam Riva Riser Rail, NewTeam Spirit Rail, Riva Riser Rail, . Find great deals on eBay for Shower Rail Slider in Shower Heads. Replacement ABS Chrome Shower Rail Head Slider Holder Adjustable Bracket.

Features: 1 brand new and high quality This is a High Quality replacement mount for . To make life easier for you, we have listed the NewTeam products that we have spares for below. Simply click a link and you’ll be taken to the relevant spares .