Redline sight glass

Schott Duran and Corning Pyrex tubular gage glass is offered as Red Line, High Pressure Clear, Heavy Wall Clear,. NOT RECOMENDED FOR STEAM OR BOILER SERVICE IN THIS LENGTH. Borosilicate tubular gage glass has a red line between .

GREATGLAS manufactures redline tubular sight glass, heavy wall or regular, pyrex or quartz. Extra long, extra thick, custom, RUSH service: 1-800-713-9886. Redline gauge glass is typically used in low pressure boilers, reservoirs and tank applications. The redline gauge glass features a red stripe and a white stripe.

Industrial Glass – Tubular Gauge Glasses. HiPressureTubularGlasses RedLineTubularGaugeGlass StandardGaugeGlassTubing. Swift Glass supplies standard and high-pressure gauge glass from the following. This borosilicate tubular gage glass is designed with a red line between two . Length Inches, Non-Steam to 150°F, Steam to 425°F, Non-Steam to 150°F, Steam to 425°F.

ESSEX Water Gauges for liquid level indication.