Two Tube + IC Regenerative Receiver (Kit). Based on original 1930’s designs, with a modern twist, using Varactor tuning for both the RF and Regenerative . Click on the links below to view the individual kits.
Find great deals on eBay for Radio Kit in Ham Radio Receivers. Rossiya Radio band Crystal Radio with valve tube arrester DIY KIT. Hi, I bought a receiver kit from Aliexpress in China.
It’s cheap, has a single valve and claims to be an FM receiver.
Camm’s and valve receiverpostsJul 2014Practical Wireless Amateur Band Receiver. Eavesdropper a 19Pocket Transistor Receiver . Which were availiable from HAC but had to be ordered in addition to the kit. This valve receiver was constructed in 19in the traditional way,.
The transformer is an old-fashioned 250V secondary valve power . Short-Wave Products kits pages, simple and inexpensive short wave receiver kits for the beginning listener.