Riva-Flo is owned and distributed by Pentair Water Australia. The Riva-flo TFoffers high performance in a tiny package. Mechanical Seal Riva Flo TF- Type – SPARE PARTS, Mechanical Seals – Newline Pool Products. A Riva-flo pressure tank with a male fitting will assemble directly into this outlet. The Riva-flo GPpump is suitable for pumping clean water in an urban.
The Riva-flo range offers cost-effective solutions.
The JMM1is an automatic pressure pump which includes the Minipress. The casing andinternal parts consist of . WaterStore’s mould part line is where there is the least water pressure. Yesterday — Graceville , QLD , 4075.
The pump was a Riva-Flo TFpressure pump with a 10-pressure control system (Onga Pty Lt Brisbane, Australia). The pump was set up for running 6 . The circular part goes through the hole from the inside of the bucket, and the part with the barbed shank. Its a Riva-Flo, Model TF3 made by Onga (Australia). Jul 20- Mentone renovations – part – July, 2007.
Lee found a small Onga Riva-Flo pump on EBay which fit the bill nicely. TFmodel) seemed like a perfect choice and the unit arrived quickly by courier. As for pipe fittings buy galv parts and some HCL (hydrocloric acid). Read More