These tips covers a number of issues that can occur with your pressure washer and how to troubleshoot them. Some of the pressure washer troubleshooting tips . Key switch, solenoid or starter on engine defective.
Fill with the appropriate fuel, bleed injector pump on diesel engines. If no continuity with the trigger pulled replace inlet flow switch. I purchased an aaladin power washer from work about years ago.
Burner started throwing dark smoke and quit heating up the water.
PRESSURE WASHER HOW TO FAULT FIND REPAIR BYPASS MICRO SWITCH AUTO STOP START. Troubleshooting Pressure Washer and Power Washer Problems and. Listed are some common pressure washer problems with causes, solutions and . User manuals, Aaladin Pressure washer Operating guides and Service manuals.
I’m having problems with my burner. Check your (one of the following) flow switch, pressure switch or high limit switch. Apr 20- Start the cleaner and turn on the burner. Note: If the cleaner is not delivering proper water flow or pressure, this problem should be diagnosed .