SECTION 4: HYDROSTATIC TESTING EXCERPTED FROM AWWA C600-93. AWWA STANDARD FOR INSTALLATION OF DUCTILE-IRON WATER MAINS . All newly installed mains must be pressure and leakage tested prior to final. The applicable AWWA Standards are C6for ductile iron mains and C6for. All new water pipeline construction shall be hydrostatically tested in accordance with. C600-05: AWWA Standard for Installation of Ductile-Iron Water Mains and Their.
As a minimum, all water mains shall be tested in accordance with the Hydrostatic Testing. Hydrostatic Testing after the pipe or. Jun 20- requirements of AWWA Standard C60 “Recommended Standards for. Upon completion of the hydrostatic testing, all force main piping shall . AWWA C6to reflect current practices and to add ductile iron as a pipe. All water mains shall be given a hydrostatic test of at least 1. Appendix a – hydrostatic testing branson west design standards for public improvements a-appendix a section 4: hydrostatic . AWWA C6does not place a specific value on the maximum length of.
Water Main Leakage Test – Calculate theoretically. May 2010Air Testing HDPE forcemain – Water treatment. Pressure and leakage tests must be conducted in accordance with AWWA. Hydrostatic testing and disinfecting (chlorination and flushing) of newly laid.
AWWA Standard C60 “Installation of Ductile Iron Mains and . For field hydrostatic leakage testing, most pipe materials have an associated. AWWA C6for testing allowance, is used for the hydrostatic field testing of DIP:. Separate payment will not be made for hydrostatic testing of water mains. Conduct pressure and leakage tests in accordance with Section of AWWA C6of.
This specification shall govern all work necessary for hydrostatic testing the completed pressure. This section refers to the hydrostatic testing of all new and modified. AWWA Standards for that type of pipe. The leakage rate shall not exceed those indicated in AWWA C600.
Provide suitable restrained bulkheads as required to complete the hydrostatic testing . The contractor shall perform hydrostatic testing of all water distribution. AWWA Standard C6(ductile iron) and AWWA Manual. Section UC-3- Cleaning and Testing Gravity Sewers.
Hydrostatic Testing”, shall not vary.