Bradford white water heater 80 gallon electric

Our line of upright electric models features the power of the Hydrojet Total. Available in single and double element models, these water heaters give you the . The Medium Duty models come in 5 and 1gallon capacity tanks with an.

Thermostat models set the standard in commercial electric water heaters. The Energy Factor of a water heater refers to its efficiency when run under standardized conditions for a 24-hour period. They are offered with fuel sources including natural gas, propane gas, electric, oil, and solar. Indirectly powered water heaters that use the heat for a boiler to .

July 20- Bradford White is WTCGP 20Company of the Year. June 20- ProudGreenBuilding – Getting More From a Commercial Water Heater . It features four operating modes – Heat Pump Mode, Hybrid Mode, Electric . Bradford White M-2-80R6DS – Gallon – Energy Saver Electric Residential Water Heater.