How do I choose the right colon tubes and use them safely? Click now to learn about safe colon tube usage! Use time, patience and gravity to . Colon tubes are often used by people who use a high enema for cleansing. Mar 20- That’s a lot to digest, so many thanks and I’ll start figuring how you use your advice tomorrow as my sphincter is a bit sore now.
Mar 2017Devices, equipments, lubricants, etc.
Enema Colonics Support Forum, topic. Using KY jelly, she would insert the tube a few inches at a time and allow the . To Propaul – Using a colon rectal tube help please at Enema. Colon Tube used for Enemas – Enema-Information.
You are also able to insert a colon tube or . The colon tube can be used for high enemas, when you want to reach further into your colon than you usually do with a regular enema. This tube is to short making it difficult to use for taking enemas.