I practised as a solicitor from 19to 20with Turner Freeman Lawyers, where I developed extensive experience in common law litigation including dust diseases litigation. Since then I have practised extensively in areas including common law, dust.
View the profiles of people named Spiros Tzouganatos. Join Facebook to connect with Spiros Tzouganatos and others you may know. Apr 20- His nephew Spiro Tzouganatos, a barrister, wrote to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on Tuesday calling on the government to establish national . Information about barrister Spiro Tzouganatos , New South Wales.
Degrees: University of New South Wales BCom . View Spiro Tzouganatos’s business profile as Barrister at Elizabeth Street Chambers and see work history, affiliations and more. Apr 20- Mr Fanos’ nephew Spiro Tzouganatos, a barrister, wrote to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on Tuesday calling on the government to establish . Jan 20- SPIRO TZOUGANATOS, SOLICITOR, TURNER FREEMAN: His Honour Judge Curtis found that the Water Board did owe Mr Smith a duty of . Committee Chair: Spiro Tzouganatos. Members: Santino Grieco, Alex Popov, Andrew Stamar, Christina Gill, Jeff Gissing, Glenn Longbottom.
Nick Fanos’ nephew Spiro Tzouganatos yesterday. Dec 20- Spiro Tzouganatos continues a 32-year tradition at his Ashbury home. Newer to the Christmas lights tradition is two-year-old Robin Rose . June 20to Current Legal Clerk Elizabeth St Chambers, Sydney for Barrister Spiro Tzouganatos Write Chronologies, use dictaphone, pack boxes for sending, .