Types of pvc pipe fittings pdf

Vinidex pipe and fitting systems are used in a. PVC (polyvinyl chloride) fittings for use in pressurised Irrigation Systems,. Parker’s PVC plastic fittings are used in many applications.

Our range of fully matched systems of pipes, fittings and valves are ideally suited for a variety of. K’ is the fittings constant (different for each kind of fitting). CPVC pipe or fittings can result in explosive failures and cause severe injury or death.

Type approval certificate for thermoplastic material pipes and fittings.

TP fittings in rigid PVC UH of metric range can be glued to each otherĀ . Catalogue of Individual PVC Schedule Fittings. Socket type CPVC plastic pipe fittings schedule 80. ASTRAL ULTRADRAIN uPVC pipes and fittings are light weight.

TYPE B pipes are recommended for soil and waste discharge applications. C for PVC), length of piping and temperature difference.